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I can't get past the final puzzle. I think its a skill issue on my part, though.  :(  very fun game even with my deficiency.

Good job.


this game is really good! the mechanics are nice and the last few puzzles had me stumped for a while, but were satisfying to solve

i can't get out

you can't push rocks onto the are that has water and stones, making it impossible to get left or leave the area below the fox

and the area with the bunny can't be left because the pillars in the holes dissapear

Deleted 240 days ago

Or maybe the game got an update since you made those comments I don't really know.

i can't get the bunny

You can get left once you get more animals and you can use both of the blocks to get to the bottom of the screen and leave the area below the fox.


great puzzle design and art and and atmosphere, but not allowing the user to hold the undo button to undo multiple moves is painful.


My brain started to hurt after two animals. Fantastic game!


Beautifully designed, very nicely paced and some wonderful "Aha!" moments. Thank you!


I was looking for a relaxing exploration-puzzle game like Fez or Uurnog when I stumbled across this. And this was _exactly_ what I was looking for! Impeccably charming.


excellent game! the level design was fantastic and the puzzles were just frustrating enough to keep me invested without rage quitting. the graphics are simple but fit it perfectly.  great work :)


Very relaxing game I love it. Impressive considering the time you had.


I did it with 2 friends and it was very fun, thanks for this game ! we finished the game in like ~2hours and it was wonderful ♥ ♥

(2 edits) (+3)

Good golly those final few puzzles are so so so dang hard, but after about two-three hours I got it, no hints or walkthrough needed, just lots of head scratching! Amazing game, the puzzles are so well made and I was really pleasantly surprised by the metroidvania element. The hardest part was getting my head around what could and couldn't be rolled / pushed on, a block being sunk into a hole = smooth but a pillar or rock being sunk = rough did my head in, not to mention sinking rocks to then recover wet logs. All very innovative stuff but with so many rules I often got stuck because I didn't fully understand them. The complicated rule set made for some cool moments but I also felt like there needed to be more puzzles to smoothly introduce you to everything. Still loved the game, a real head scratcher!

very simple + clever block-pushing metroidvania game! i got stuck on the island puzzle guarding otter >:P


Wonderful game! I had a blast, I don't really fancy that much sokoban games, but the metroidvania aspect of gaining new abilities to unlock different parts of the map was very enjoyable! Also the story is basically streamlined since you kinda have to ge the animals in the right order, but at the start you don't know and have to find where you can go to progress. Good job!

(2 edits)

The game is beautiful but I'm so completely stuck in the bear section—at first I thought I might need another ability (all I have so far is the rabbit and the fox), but I actually can't even get anywhere else on the map so I'm assuming that's not it and there's some solution I'm just not seeing?

Edit: Finally got it! It seemed so obvious once I figured it out lol

Edit 2: Now the top-right corner has me completely baffled—not sure if I'm ever gonna get that owl


I found the secret room! 

(1 edit)


How many different places can you cross the first bit of water?

(2 edits) (+1)

...oh. I didn't realise I can cross at the top. Thanks!

Still stuck at that second part tho. Going to restart game and try with different powers first

EDIT: Found this walkthrough. Feeling kinda dumb now lol

(1) The Legend of Lumina #2 柱と球 - YouTube

What a great game!!!


If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. I think I'm stuck. I rescued the light blue thing in the bottom left corner (I think it's an otter or a beaver), and I can now swim. However, I can't seem to get back to the forest. I can't retreat the way I came because of a rock blocking the path. I can't climb the waterfalls to the east. Is there a way out that I'm missing somewhere? HELP!!

(2 edits) (-1)


ok this took me like 20-30 minutes and i got stuck here too but i finally just realised what you do and basically you just push the two sunken logs up and then push them horizontally and then walk onto one of the sunken logs then you push  the vertical facing log onto the rocks and then put in into the black water then you walk up and yeah

(1 edit)

You are going to have to explain this to me like I'm 5. I've pushed those logs up, but I don't see anyway to get them onto the land. The problem is not the water. I can swim. The problem is getting a log onto land so I can fill in the pit and then climb the stairs.  I absolutely do not see any way to do it.

** Nevermind. I found a walkthrough. I'd have never got that.


Really satisfying game. Great work!

Thanks for playing and recording these videos! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :D


I managed to finish it and it was pretty challenging but alots of fun. I love the visual the most in this game and I have no problem or bug while playing this at all. Thank you and good job on the game!

It's a great game but I need help I've been stuck for almost 10 hours trying to finish the game
please I need help


This level requires getting two of the barrels out of the water


I was looking for sokoban games in research for making my own and this one’s a hidden ass gem! It’s great as hell!

really enjoyed it! cool game and visuals! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

I usually dislike push-the-block games but decided to give this a try, and 3 enjoyable and challenging hours later I finished the game. This game is really enjoyable, I didn't know you could get that creative with push-the-block as a base mechanic, but this game really added tons of variety and intuitive complexity with its different types of "blocks", making it a lot of fun.

The relaxing music, satisfying sound effects and gorgeous visuals really added to the experience and lessened the frustration too, the game is just an enjoyable space to be in.

What engine does this use?




Deleted 1 year ago

This is using version 3.5.  Unfortunately Godot 4  HTML export is currently relying on some web browser features that have issues on mac/iOS. I believe the Godot devs are working on fixing this, but for a simpler 2d game like this, 3.5 is perfectly fine.

Deleted 1 year ago

Finally cleared!

The last part is definitely hard one! But it also good!

somebody help me

Good luck! That's one of the ones I hated the most. I didn't even feel successful when I got it, just relieved.

Well, I think I've been stuck here for longer then I played the rest of the game. Any help would be appreciated  Thanks!!


A really lovely game with simple but very enjoyable game mechanic and beautiful artstyle. After two hours of solving the puzzles I wasn't really able to get to the end though - I've had a hard time figuring out the Otter, Deer and Squirrel puzzles but I might try to solve them once again at some point. I do believe the player should be given the choice to enable some form of subtle hints since from my experience I've been moving around the whole map a few times trying to figure out which abilities should I get first before moving onto the next puzzle. I think it'd be enough if there'd a small flickering effect on the minimap if the player should head to a different place first before continuing their journey. But overall I'd say the game's very fun and it's definitely a repeatable (as in you can play it more than once) and enjoyable experience. :) 


I've occasionally gotten stuck and used a walkthrough to get that next step so I can continue but that walkthrough is a prior version and some screens don't quite match. I've gotten all but the owl and I'm in the top left. He completely cheesed that screen AND it's an older version so I'm stuck.

I've tried a few things and I always seem to come up just barely short. I either need one more item or one more space or even one more obstacle. Anybody got a hint for me?


A+. Good sokoban puzzle/metroidvania, with just enough story line to give a sense of progress (as opposed to pure sokoban Lvl number).
Nice use of having some solutions be available only from certain directions, and the gradual short cut and ability accumulation through-out the game. Very well balanced, and good feelings of returning to old places and being able to solve them in new ways.  
Seeing Owl early and previewing all those final puzzles over and over again before FINALLY being ready for them? Very good feel.

(3 edits)

Oh dear! I think I'm trapped!?

Just collected the river otter but cannot continue past the pit. :/

Edit: changed image to prevent spoilers (unless someone clicks 'see more')


You should be able to get past the pit east of the otter with some clever log usage.

How!? How do you from down there and back to the main map?


Nice secret room

(3 edits) (+1)

oh I guess I need to play again to find this!
Edit: haven't been able to find it yet, please give me a hint

Update: YAY just found it :D cool



i saw the game name and was like, oml. My name is Lumina!


a lovely name :)



Hey,  not sure if this was commented before or was intended, I believe not. but the controls are kinda clunky. For example If i'm walking up or down I can't change direction to left or right, and sometimes when walking from left to right the up or down is not recognized sometimes. (Touch controls work fine I believe, can change directions without problem). Great game tho! just a little feedback.

It's meant to be square-by-square, so possibly intended that you can only be on 1 square at a time. It's a sokoban-ish game after all.

Thanks for the feedback. It is intentional, the movement is similar to old gameboy Pokémon games but it could be improved.

I think it is good idea to give each screen/map number/name as an identifier.

Thanks for the feedback!

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